Niesamowita matka. Po urodzeniu siódemki dzieci postanowiła zadbać o linię. Zobacz niesamowitą metamorfozę Jessiki Enslow [ZDJĘCIA]

Jessic Enslow fot. Instagram

Jessica Enslow, dyplomowana pielęgniarka z Salt Lake City w USA, postanowiła zadbać o linię już po urodzeniu pierwszego dziecka 22 lata temu. Nie udało się, bo urodziła ich jeszcze szóstkę! Ale po urodzeniu ostatniego postanowiła w tym roku, że zabiera się do roboty. Wystarczyło kilka miesięcy, by kobieta przeszła niesamowitą metamorfozę.

43-letnia Jessica zaczęła od zwykłych ćwiczeń z DVD, jakie można kupić w każdym kiosku. Pracowała jednak ciężko i błyskawicznie zrzucała wagę, a jednocześnie zmieniała się jej figura. Teraz ludzie biorą ją nie za matkę, a siostrę jej najstarszej, 22-letniej córki. Zdjęcia Jessiki opublikowane na Instagramie polubiło kilkadziesiąt tysięcy osób.


Nic dziwnego, bo przemiana, którą przeszła matka siódemki dzieci jest niesamowita. Najlepiej zobaczyć to na zdjęciach.

I've gotten a lot of comments lately asking how do I handle having SEVEN KIDS??! ? Well, let me tell you, since school has started I feel like a chicken with my head cut off!!! ?? I didn't even make it to the gym ONCE this week yet ??? But I honestly feel like my life is finally getting easier, in general, now than after having only ONE kid! Why? 1) My youngest is pretty much potty trained 2) I have older kids to help me 3) I have an amazing support system between my husband, his parents and my parents ☺️♥️ 4) I am more mature than my 20-year-old self and know what comes with the territory ??????‍♀️??????❤️….. But in terms of maintaining my physique while significantly reducing my workouts? I am a little softer, yes, but I am actually shocked at the difference between hardly working out the past 3 months versus a year ago when the same thing happened and I lost a ton of progress. I credit my change in eating habits to @shaneheugly my fitness coach & taking my @warriorfuel_supps HERS #preworkout {code: jessicafit} which has helped SO much with controlling my appetite and keeping my metabolism up! ?? I know I've said this a million times, but truly, I can't credit a workout regimen at the moment, other than my recent training with Shane. I'm hoping I'll settle into a routine soon and be able to get into the gym more regularly. I want it more than you know, but family does come first & everyone's schedules are so staggered, it's been difficult to manage it at this point. HAPPY FRIDAY LOVES! Enjoy your weekend!! ♥️??

Post udostępniony przez Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

One of the most FAQs I've gotten is, "Did you actually give birth to ALL SEVEN of your children?" The answer is YES! All natural births, no twins. One by one by one by one…. ? Did I plan on having 7 kids? Yes and no. I had 4 from my 1st marriage and when I got remarried my husband didn't have any kids, and he REALLY wanted more, so we decided to have 3 more beautiful babies❤️❤️❤️ {all the cutest little red heads☺️} Now! Onto fitness! The things I've done that have given me the quickest and MOST DRAMATIC results were training with @shaneheugly I followed a strict regimen of weight training, cardio and macro counting. Since taking a break two months ago, I've had pretty good luck with maintaining my physique with little exercise but keeping my diet in check. I can tell the past few days I'm not as lean so I need to start upping my cardio &/or stop eating #donuts ?? My current diet is very redundant, hence the reason I don't post it all the time. If you would like me to, let me know and I will soon! Now, I still need to hit the gym tonight, so gotta ✈️???

Post udostępniony przez Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

WHY FAILING IS OKAY… I've failed at a million things in my lifetime. My first marriage, always being the best mom, many 7th grade track races, idk how many math tests ? & most recently at becoming a bikini competitor by August. But what I've realized is that every disappointing turn isn't always wrong and the ones that are can be used to create a stronger, wiser and more refined YOU. Over time many of my weaknesses and failures have become strengths in one way or another. I always struggled in algebra, but in college I worked extra hard and got straight A's. My second marriage has been amazing. I didn't win a bikini competition, but hiring my coach has helped me learn how to keep my diet in check {and taking @warriorfuel_supps preworkouts has helped control my appetite as well! Code: jessicafit} so that I have (pretty close to) maintained my physique and I now know what foods to eat to get better results. What I love about where I am right now is that I feel good, healthy, & strong, mentally and physically. And best of all, I feel this is sustainable. I can spend time with my family and have energy to care for them. My body didn't respond well to 3-5 hour workouts 6 days a week. I kept getting sick. What I realize now is my family was getting neglected to some degree too and sometimes God has ways of redirecting us. So trust that things will be made right and ALWAYS listen to your intuitions! ❤️

Post udostępniony przez Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

MY FITNESS JOURNEY OVER THE PAST YEAR… This first pic shows the time from when I began training with @shaneheugly until today. While I still use his workouts as a basis for what I do now, since June, I’ve been eating intuitively and working out about 2 days a week instead of counting macros & working out 6 days a week. My cardio & weightlifting aren’t nearly as comprehensive. I’ve gotten a ton of questions about my @warriorfuel_supps #preworkout {CODE: jessicafit} that I take because I really feel like it’s given me a huge edge since decreasing my working out time the past 4 months by increasing my metabolism and controlling my appetite. I also have already experienced what working out the same amount of time or even more without taking it ended up like last year. I have put a timeline together of the last year or so and all the transitions and changes that have occurred with my body. Please feel free to ask any unanswered questions! ?♥️ • • • • • • #macros #gymworkouts #fitover40 #fitness #fitnessjourney #weightlossjourney #bikiniprep #bikiniathlete #iifymgirls #momswholift #fitmoms #fitmums #fitmom #fitnum #utahfitfam #utah #beachbody #thesweatlife #fitnesswomen #workouttime #fitnesslifestyle #flashbackfriday #activeliving #girlsgonesporty #dreambig #staypositive #fbfriday #fitspiration #fitnessgoals

Post udostępniony przez Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

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