Fani są pod wrażeniem. Gwiazda Polsatu pokazała się nago. To niewiarygodne, że ma już czwórkę dzieci [FOTO]

Davina Reeves Ciara. / foto: Instagram
Davina Reeves Ciara. / foto: Instagram

Prezenterka Polsatu pochwaliła się zdjęciem nago tuż po swoim czwartym porodzie. Fani nie mogą wyjść z zachwytu. – Jesteś niesamowita – piszą fani.

Prezenterka Polsatu Davina Reeves-Ciara pochwalił się nowym zdjęciem na swoim profilu na Instagramie. Kobieta mimo że jest już matką czwórki dzieci ciągle trzyma świetną formę.


Reeves-Ciara pochodzi z Ameryki, blisko 9 lat temu zdobyła tytuł Miss Nowego Jorku, z którego wyprowadziła się po tym jak poznała swojego przyszłego męża – Polaka.

Kobieta jest prezenterką Polsatu, prowadzi też na YouTube własny kanał, na którym opowiada o swoim życiu. Reeves-Ciara jest także aktywna na Instagramie, gdzie chętnie udostępnia zdjęcia ze swojego życia prywatnego.

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Okayyyyy so this is how the little man got his name….. The kids were playing in my room kissing his face in between coughs and sniffy noses (which just kills me) and i asked them what name they like…of course i assumed they would all say dumb things (no offense kids) like Kot (which means cat in Polish but is actually our dog’s name) or talerz (which they did say and it means plate). But then ilia said….Noah. And i almost choked on my water. Noah…Noa. I don’t like unsounding letters so no h. Irek looked it up and in hebrew it means Rest. And that sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Rest. Resting from the need to DO SOMETHING all the time…because with 4 kids we all know there is certainly something to do. But, what do they want most from me? To sit down with them and just build legos…rest. For me, this is probably the BIGGEST challenge ever. I looked up Noa without the h and it oddly means the opposite…movement or motion. So here’s my wish: „Noa, help me find movement in my life. AND…help me rest. You came for me, i know you did. To help me grow.” Kochani jest filmik na youtube o jego drugi imię jesli to ci czekawi…link w description:-). #mamalovesyou #bestbaby #nofavorites #kids #christmas #noa #babynames

Post udostępniony przez Davina Reeves Ciara (@therapeuticmama)

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Sooo I wouldn’t use the word #lazy, but maybe its something like that…I love winter, from the inside of my house looking out. Just the thought of getting all the kids dressed, geared up and out the door to play makes me want to take a nap. Soo today i had an idea…why not do the outdoor thing in waves? First wave was Noa and Ina, we went to see the „ducks” in the stream…apparently on vacation somewhere warm (#jealous). Next wave, ilia and Niu..because they like to throw snow balls and ina really doesn’t like to get them in the face. There’s this great word in Polish for this…it’s #kombinować. It means you do what you got to do to get the job done, in any way possible. The kids got some fresh air, and i didn’t have to have #naptime from exhaustion:-). Maybe i’ll work up to the whole crew next time…….. #winter #motherhood #kids #spacer #zima @tako_life @dzieckoexpert

Post udostępniony przez Davina Reeves Ciara (@therapeuticmama)

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iiiiiiiii just love this girl so much. But…here’s the story. So Good Morning TVN was at our house doing a news story about our family and Ina comes home with irek broken up about something. She couldnt even talk she was so upset. Irek also didn’t want to comment about it, until my prying mother skills got the truth out of both of them. Apparently Ina likes to take food off of other kids’ plates at lunch time. We were packing her lunches from organic food, but it turns out she wants nothing to do with her lunch box. She wants the good stuff on her friend’s plate:-(. I held her as she cried, until she finally looked up at me with those big brown eyes, the same eyes her daddy stole my heart with and said „mama, I want to eat like the other kids” (just imagine a cute little baby whine with that sentence). In our vlog i just published i asked „who’s right?” Her parents who want her to eat good quality food, her teachers who want her to be happy at school, (and stop stealing food) or Ina who wants to be like the other kids? Sigh…who said parenthood was easy? So the decision? I called the school and got her and ilia on regular good ol’ school lunches. And there you go. Just another lesson in motherhood. Its her #life. I can do my best, but sometimes doing my best is letting them make their own decisions. FOR NOW. Give me ONE reason, one stomach ache and the game is over kids!!! He he. Film link in the description. #schoollunches #motherhood #kids #ddtvn #daughters ps: @coolmamapl thank you for my awesome #ubraniadokarmienia

Post udostępniony przez Davina Reeves Ciara (@therapeuticmama)

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Okayyyy. So this whole naked business begins (quite literally) with #shit. Irek (my husband) comes to me all hot and bothered and says…davina, it smells like ‘fresh shit’ (and i quote) in my office. And i say…okaaay. And he says…”well?” And i stand there, confused as to what this has to do with me. #Freshshit #hisoffice #myproblem? Weird. Anyway he explains to me that its coming from the clothes hanging to dry in there. I just arrived home that day from a stint in the hospital (more on that later) and knew nothing about the clothes hanging. I follow him to his office and he points to a piece of real poop (as opposed to fake smelly poop?) laying on the ground under a kids’ shirt that, sure enough, is stained with lots of doo. Irek looks at me and says “look! Theres shit on my floor!” And he’s looking at me like i just did a that doo…and im thinking…okay, i wasnt here, YOU probably left a doo covered shirt in the laundry and our nanny (who just wanted to help out) probably washed and hung the fresh doo without noticing. Either way, this has #NOTHING to do with me….and yet here i am feeling all ridiculous like i just took a doo on my husband’s office floor. And the whole situation is so ridiculously funny but also tragically #niesprawiedliwy . That in Polish means..well it means directly “unfair” but polish has a few more nuances…’unjust, inequitable’ are just a few inadequate attempts. Its not just about the shit. Its about the hundreds of small things a day we take “shit” for as mothers. I feel like #motherhood is like being naked all the time, feeling like you just took a doo on someone’s floor. Its hard work that stinks if you dont come at it in the right way. Soooo irek and i laughed about that whole scene and i went to film (leaving irek to tend his own shit;-)). conclusion? Dont take craps on your husband’s floor. And then take naked pictures and do a film about it:-). Film link in description:-). #motherhood #youtube #selfie #notreallypissed #husbands #kids #family #life

Post udostępniony przez Davina Reeves Ciara (@therapeuticmama)
